Remove coordiantes with less than n repeats in y coordinate

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a set of x,y coordiantes:
I want to remove all corrdinates in which there are less than 'n' repeats in the y coordinate, Im sorry, but for once, I don't know where to start.
2.00 2.00
44.53 2.00
75.00 2.00
20.00 3.00
24.00 3.00
29.00 3.00
54.00 3.00
69.00 3.00
33.00 4.00
79.00 5.00
2.00 6.00
60.00 6.00
47.00 7.00
63.00 7.00
71.00 7.00
34.44 8.00
41.00 8.00
50.00 8.00
53.48 8.00
68.00 8.00
22.51 9.00
so if n=5, i.e. keep only coordinates in which the y value is repeated at least 5 times would give.
20.00 3.00
24.00 3.00
29.00 3.00
54.00 3.00
69.00 3.00
34.44 8.00
41.00 8.00
50.00 8.00
53.48 8.00
68.00 8.00


Matt J
Matt J 2019-10-22
编辑:Matt J 2019-10-22
[C,~,idx]=histcounts(y, 1:max(G)+1);

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