Whiteout/Remove some part of the contour plot

21 次查看(过去 30 天)
I use the built-in MATLAB function "scatterInterpolant" to plot a contour. The plot is shown below.
It's s stress contour and the ellipse is an empty space and there are no nodes inside the ellipse. I want the ellipse to be whiteout. Somehow I managed to set the values inside the ellipse to be zero (because I can't delete them) and I got the following result
I want the ellipse to be whiteout. Any sort of help is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
P.S. I use the fill command to fill the ellipse with white color but that's not a proper way to do it.


Robert U
Robert U 2019-11-7
Hi Muhammad Usman,
instead of assigning Zero to the nodes you don't want to use, apply "nan"-Values. That will be treated as if there is no value assigned and will be plotted with white color.
x = -100:100;
y = -100:100;
inputData = rand(201);
inputData(abs(x)<=10,abs(y)<=10) = nan;
Kind regards,

更多回答(1 个)

Muhammad Usman
Muhammad Usman 2019-11-7
Thank you very much sir for your kind response, but there is another problem I am encountering. As you can see in the figure below that it also whiteout some of the nodes outside the ellipse.
What do you think about that?
  8 个评论
Tamas Lanci
Tamas Lanci 2020-4-3
Is there any chance you can share your code Muhammad?
Muhammad Usman
Muhammad Usman 2020-4-13
编辑:Muhammad Usman 2020-4-13
F = scatteredInterpolant(xgrid, ygrid, plotcomp, 'nearest') ;
% plotcomp contains the values of stress etc at xgrid and ygrid i.e. mesh
[X,Y] = meshgrid(); % creat equally spaced rectangular mesh
Z = F(X,Y);
% then access the nodes of [X,Y] mesh grid which are inside the hole\ellipse
Z( " nodes inside the hole " ) = nan ;



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