Set color property for hggroup objects

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
In a plot containing 6 line object with different colors I've created 2 hggroups to use in the legend. The 2 colors legend subsequently shows belong to the last 2 line objects. Nothing new there, but I would like legend to show for a given hggroup a color that corresponds to one of its child lines.
This image illustrates the problem:
Thanks for any help.


Seth DeLand
Seth DeLand 2011-1-27
You need to set the handle visibility of certain lines to off:
When you set the handle visibility of a line to off, the legend command will not use that line when creating the legend. So if you set the handle visibility of 2 of your red lines and 2 of your green lines to 'off', legend will only use the handles for the remaining red and green line to draw the legend.

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