Is that possible to use MATLAB Coder with a Guide application?

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I'm currently developping a MATLAB application with a graphical interface with guide.
My main point is to make this application runable on any sort of PC without MATLAB into this PC.
So is that possible, or should I create a C/C++ graphical interface and then use matlab coder to integrate function by function?
Thank you in advance for your time.


Ajay Kumar
Ajay Kumar 2019-11-9
编辑:Ajay Kumar 2019-11-9
If you have just started the GUI implementation, I would suggest you to switch to AppDesigner instead. If you are way long in guide, finish it off in guide itself, use MATLAB migration tool to convert GUI to Matlab app(.mlapp). Then you can easily make the APP into any standalone application(.exe) which comes with MATLAB Runtime that can be installed in any PC without MATLAB.
Have a look here fot further information.
  1 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-11-9
MATLAB Compiler (which produces .exe) has different purposes than MATLAB Coder (which produces C / C++ code)


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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-11-9
If you look at the list of functions supported for code generation at you will notice that there are no graphics functions mentioned. If you look at individual routines such as you will see that they do not list C/C++ code generation under extended capabilities.
GUIDE is a graphics framework. Not much of it can have code generated.
Kumar hints at using MATLAB Compiler product: that does support graphics. Not all toolboxes are supported in MATLAB Compiler, though: the most common of the unsupported toolboxes is probably the Symbolic Toolbox.


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