I need a code for red tomato detection from plant

9 次查看(过去 30 天)


Nicolas B.
Nicolas B. 2019-11-21
There is a paper about the tomato recognition here. I guess, once you have detected the tomatoes, it's not that difficult to get a color detection.
  1 个评论
Siressa Etefa
Siressa Etefa 2022-1-4
yes it about that, but I am challenged with some problem if possible by capturing the image of tomato and detect that image to identify its ripeness


更多回答(2 个)

Siressa Etefa
Siressa Etefa 2022-1-4
i want a matlab program that detect the maturity of tomato by image processing techniques
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022-1-5
https://www.davidsonfarmersmarket.org/painted-tomatoes-ethaline-gas-speeds-ripening/ on why you cannot determine maturity from color.


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022-1-4
Use the Color Thresholder in HSV space. See attached demo.
  4 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022-1-5
But the new poster who revived the thread needs to detect "maturity" rather than "red"
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022-1-5
Yes, and I thought you answered that pretty well, but the original poster didn't have an answer yet so I thought I'd add one.
The link you gave says that tomatoes turn red, even when not ripe, by exposing them to ethylene. Though one reason I've heard for tomatoes being hard is that people don't like naturally ripe tomoatoes because they are more liquidy, squishy, and jelly/goopy inside. For sandwiches people generally like tomato slices that are less goopy and more solid, so farmers are "breeding" tomatoes with more "solid" characteristics. And of course they'd rather have a solid red tomato slice than a solid green tomato slice. But I'm not sure what "ripe" means (certain water or sugar concentration???) and if it's possible that a tomato can be ripe independent of the amount of solid matter in the tomato.
Some researchers have had success with hyperspectral imaging in the visible:
but I'd also want to consider SWIR imaging (short wave infra-red): https://swir-led.com/optical-food-sorting-leds/





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