Reduce data points from 200 to 108

122 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a data series with 200 data points and I need to compress this information to 108 data points. I don't think I can use a moving average filter as the window wouldn't be an integer so is there a way in MATLAB to do this?


Star Strider
Star Strider 2019-11-21
I have no idea what your data are or what you want to do with them, other than reduce the number of them.
Interpolating them to a shorter independent variable vector may be an option. See if the interp1 function can do what you want. The linspace function can be helpful in providing the new independent variable vector.
  3 个评论
Maxwell Barton
Maxwell Barton 2019-11-21
Thanks resampling is what I was looking for!


更多回答(1 个)

Daniel M
Daniel M 2019-11-21
编辑:Daniel M 2019-11-21
Do you want to:
  1. truncate your signal?
  2. downsample or resample
  3. interpolate
  4. something else?
Truncate example:
t = 1:200;
x = rand(1,200);
x2 = x(1:108);
  2 个评论
Maxwell Barton
Maxwell Barton 2019-11-21
Truncation wouldn't work unfortunately. How would I downsample with a non integer rate (200/108 = 1.8519)?
And how would interpolation work; it wouldn't work as below.
time_1= 1:200
time_2 = 1:108
Daniel M
Daniel M 2019-11-21
That's what resampling function is for. Star Strider has responded under his answer.



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