How can I delete specific rows and columns from a text file?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi everyone,
My aim is to modify the attachment (Q.txt) in the following way:
1) I want to remove all lines starting with "#" except line "# GRDC-No.: 4101250", line "# Latitude (DD): 68.07" and line "# Longitude (DD): -163.19";
2) I want to remove the following coulumns with all their data: "hh:mm" and "Flag"
Thanks in advance to those who know how to give me help.

回答(1 个)

Michael Chromiak
Michael Chromiak 2019-11-26
It should be enough to load a ".txt" file into the field and search '#' in the "for" loop and delete the rest of the line after it is found except for the selected rows that can be put in the "if" condition


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