looking for an efficient way to activate all fprintf in the function
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I have a function and into it there are a lot of fprintf that print out some informations.I would create a way to show or not show this informations using only one flag.
for example
debug = 0;
if debug ~= 0
Since I have too many fprintf in the function I don't want write if every time but I would activate and deactivate fprintf once time for all printf
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Daniel Shub
编辑:Daniel Shub
If you are using a function, you can overload fprintf with a nested function.
function myfunction(debug)
fprintf('first one\n');
fprintf('second one\n');
function fprintf(varargin)
if ~debug
builtin('fprintf', varargin{:});
you can then call with myfunction(true) or myfunction(false)
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Dr. Seis
Probably not what you are looking for, but a quick way may be to just do a search and replace all (i.e., search for: "fprintf" replace with: "%fprintf") before running. Then do the opposite when you don't want debug mode. The "%" will comment out the fprintf line (unless you have multiple lines associated with your fprintf).
The other way may be to create your own fprintf function (e.g., "myfprintf") and have it accept your flag to print or not to print as one of its' arguments.
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