Block of simulink question

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Marie Mar
Marie Mar 2019-12-1
回答: Yash 2024-8-21
which is this block in simulink?
how can i find it?

回答(1 个)

Yash 2024-8-21
Hi Marie,
The block shown in the image represents a transfer function. There are multiple blocks in Simulink that can serve this purpose. Here are two options you can consider:
  1. Transfer Fcn Block: This block allows you to specify a transfer function using its numerator and denominator coefficients. More details can be found in the following documentation:
  2. Zero-Pole Block: This block lets you specify a transfer function in terms of its zeros, poles, and gain. More information is available in the following documentation:
I hope this helps!


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