90 degree phase shift

23 次查看(过去 30 天)
Yuntian Luo
Yuntian Luo 2019-12-5
评论: Ridwan Alam 2019-12-14
I am using the vary phase of signal during simulation (https://www.mathworks.com/help/simrf/ug/variable-phase-shift.html), when I open the MATLAB command, the example shown works with the phase varying 180 degree. But when I change the simulink control signal into 90 degree, the output becomes into a straight line rather than 90 degree phase shift.
I was wondering if someone knows how to fix this problem or some other ways of doing the 90 degree phase shift.
  1 个评论
Yuntian Luo
Yuntian Luo 2019-12-10
Hi thanks again for answering the question, I am kind of busy these days, when I check the answer and done the simulation, I will vote up.



Ridwan Alam
Ridwan Alam 2019-12-5
编辑:Ridwan Alam 2019-12-6
Updated answer:
The problem is with the way "Outport" and "Configuration" blocks are used here. For example, change the Output parameter of the "Outport" block to Magnitude and Angle mode, and connect both output ports to the scope. Then you can track both the changes in magnitudes and angles of the signal. Also, on the "Configuration" block, make sure to uncheck the noise parameter.
Hope this helps.
  5 个评论
Yuntian Luo
Yuntian Luo 2019-12-14
Thanks. I got your point. The sigal here are the complex type. Now I just want to have90 degree of the real signal instead of complex one. For example, the input is sin(wt) then the output is cos(wt), do you have some method to build it? Or can I rechange the complex signal into the real signal ?
Ridwan Alam
Ridwan Alam 2019-12-14
That sounds like a different question. Please post as a new question and we will try to answer.


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