Non linear least square fitting
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I am really stuck trying to figure out how to fit a circle to some data points. I have watched plenty of videos on the topic but do not really understand. Could you please explain to me in the most simple way how to plot some random data points, for example x = [2; 3; -2; 1]; and y = [3; 2; 4; -1];, in matlab?
I have only come up with the following but do not know how to proceed:
x = [2; 3; -2; 1];
y = [3; 2; 4; -1];
N = length(x);
% circle's equation x^2+y^2 = 2xc1+2yc2+c3
X = [ones(N,3),x];
phi = inv(X'*X)*X'*Y
Thanks alot in advance!
4 个评论
Matt J
Jenny's answer converted to a comment:
I tried the following this time, but it does not seem to be working. Anyone knows why?
x = [2; 3; -2; 1];
y = [3; 2; 4; -1];
N = length(x);
plot (x,y,'*')
% circle's equation x^2+y^2 = 2xc1+2yc2+c3
x = c1+sqrt(-y^2+2ay+a^2+c
y = c1+sqrt(-y^2+2ax+a^2+c
X = [ones(N,3),x];
Y = y;
Matt J
编辑:Matt J
I have only come up with the following but do not know how to proceed ... phi = inv(X'*X)*X'*Y
You have tried to set up linear equations X*phi=Y and find its Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) solution. This is not a good approach here, because X and Y both have noise in them. But even if you were to do it this way, the better Matlab algorithm for OLS would be,
Adam Danz
编辑:Adam Danz
Create noisy circular data
This section creates the noisy data we're fitting.
% Create randome points along a circle
r = 22.52; % radius
cnt = [9.923, -2.42]; % (x,y) center
theta = rand(1,1000)*2*pi; % Theta
xData = r*cos(theta)+cnt(1); % x coordinates
yData = r*sin(theta)+cnt(2); % y coordinates
% Add noise to coordinates
xData = xData + (rand(size(xData))*10-5);
yData = yData + (rand(size(yData))*10-5);
Plot the input data
The only inputs are xData and yData. The rest of the variables above are unknowns.
% Plot the data with noise
plot(xData, yData, 'ko')
axis equal
grid on

Fit the xData,yData coordinates to a circle
This section uses nonlinear least squares fitting x = lsqnonlin(fun,x0). The first line defines the function to fit and is the equation for a circle. The second line are estimated starting points. See the link for more info on this function. The output circFit is a 1x3 vector defining the [x_center, y_center, radius] of the fitted circle.
f = @(a) (xData-a(1)).^2 + (yData-a(2)).^2 - a(3).^2;
a0 = [mean(xData),mean(yData),max(xData)-mean(xData)];
circFit = lsqnonlin(f,a0);
Add the fitted circle to the noisy data
% use the circFit parameters to create the fitted circle
theta = linspace(0,2*pi,100); % arbitrary spacing
xFit = circFit(3)*cos(theta) + circFit(1);
yFit = circFit(3)*sin(theta) + circFit(2);
hold on

Compare the fitted values to the actual (noisy) values
Of course these values may differ when this code is repeated due to random noise.
This creates a table comparing the known and fitted results.
T = array2table([[cnt,r];circFit],'VariableNames',{'xCnt','yCnt','radius'},...
'RowNames',{'Real values','FitValues'})
T =
2×3 table
xCnt yCnt radius
______ ______ ______
Real values 9.923 -2.42 22.52
FitValues 9.8052 -2.548 22.926
4 个评论
Adam Danz
编辑:Adam Danz
Thanks, @Matt J. I meant to mention alternative approaches to the special case when fitting a circle but by the time I finished typing out the answer, I had forgotten.
- explained in
But Matt J's answer is even better since you won't need to use a function external to what Matlab already provides.
更多回答(2 个)
Matt J
编辑:Matt J
Ok. Could you possibly show me the analytical alternatives to Adam's solution?
See attached. Note that my method does not minimize the same fitting error metric as Adam's. If you prefer his, though (and maybe you should), it might be worth mentioning that I do observe somewhat better convergence when initialized with mine. Notice the smaller final "Norm of step" and "First-order optimality" when the iterations terminate.
f = @(a) (xData-a(1)).^2 + (yData-a(2)).^2 - a(3).^2;
a0 = [mean(xData),mean(yData),max(xData)-mean(xData)];
Norm of First-order
Iteration Func-count f(x) step optimality
0 4 6.04793e+07 1.13e+07
1 8 1.69499e+07 3.881 6.82e+05
2 12 1.67336e+07 0.317084 4.6e+03
3 16 1.67336e+07 0.00219778 0.221
Norm of First-order
Iteration Func-count f(x) step optimality
0 4 1.74094e+07 1.22e+06
1 8 1.67337e+07 0.555282 1.41e+04
2 12 1.67336e+07 0.00672023 2.07
3 16 1.67336e+07 9.87177e-07 0.00653
I offer here a robust least squares fit for reference purposes only.
%% Create randome points along a circle
r = 1;
numPts = 100;
theta = linspace(0,2*pi,numPts);
xdata = r*cos(theta)+0.1*randn(1,numPts);
ydata = r*sin(theta)+0.1*randn(1,numPts);
% add noise
xdata(1) = 5;xdata(2) = 4;xdata(3) = 5;
ydata(1) = 4;ydata(2) = 5;ydata(3) = 5;
h1 = scatter(xdata,ydata); % sample data
% noise least square fit circle
fun = @(x)(xdata-x(1)).^2+(ydata-x(2)).^2-x(3).^2;
x = lsqnonlin(fun,[0,0,1]);
h2 = viscircles(x(1:2),x(3),color="red");hold on; % noise least square fit
h3 = viscircles([0,0],1,color="blue");% ground truth
%% robust fit
fitFcn = @(points)robustLeastSquareCircle(points);
distFcn = @(model, points)((xdata-model(1)).^2+(ydata-model(2)).^2-model(3).^2).^2;
sampleSize = 3;
maxDistance = 0.5;
data = [xdata(:),ydata(:)];
[modelRansac,inlierIdx] = ransac(data,fitFcn,distFcn,sampleSize,maxDistance);
h4 = viscircles(modelRansac(1:2),modelRansac(3),color="black");
modelRobust = fitFcn(data(inlierIdx,:));
h5 = viscircles(modelRobust(1:2),modelRobust(3),color="green");% robust fit'
legend([h1,h2,h3,h4,h5],{'point samples','least square fit','ground truth','Ransac samples fit','robust fit'},Location="northwest")
grid on;axis equal
%% support function
function model = robustLeastSquareCircle(points)
% least square fit circle
xdata = points(:,1);
ydata = points(:,2);
fun = @(x)(xdata-x(1)).^2+(ydata-x(2)).^2-x(3).^2;
model = lsqnonlin(fun,[0,0,1]);
-------------------------Off-topic interlude, 2024-------------------------------
I am currently looking for a job in the field of CV algorithm development, based in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China,or a remote support position. I would be very grateful if anyone is willing to offer me a job or make a recommendation. My preliminary resume can be found at: . Thank you!
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