Fulden emailed me an example of how to get this to work, and I'm posting it here for reference. Thank you, Florian and Fuilden, for your help with this. This is my first time using the new scenarios object, and I'm really liking it now that I experienced its flexibility and how one can construct complex combinations with very few lines of code. It's a very nice addition to SimBiology! It would be good in the future if the 'sbiofit' command allowed the user to specify different scenarios for each of the groups.
m = sbmlimport('lotka');
cs = getconfigset(m);
set(cs.SolverOptions, 'RelativeTolerance', 1e-6);
% Define doses
d1 = sbiodose('dose for y1');
set(d1, 'TargetName', 'y1');
set(d1, 'Amount', 50);
d2 = sbiodose('dose for y2');
set(d2, 'TargetName', 'y2');
set(d2, 'Amount', 50);
% Define variants
v1 = sbiovariant('individual1');
v1.addcontent({'species', 'y1', 'value', 900});
v2 = sbiovariant('individual2');
v2.addcontent({'species', 'y1', 'value', 900});
v3 = sbiovariant('individual3');
v3.addcontent({'species', 'y1', 'value', 900});
% Create scenarios over variants and doses:
sObj = SimBiology.Scenarios('individuals', [v1, v2]);
add(sObj, 'cartesian', 'doses', [d1, d2]);
% Print content of scenarios object
% Create SimFunction and evaluate
f = createSimFunction(m, sObj, {'y1', 'y2'}, [], 'AutoAccelerate', false);
sd = f(sObj, 10);
% Add additional values to scenarios
sObj.updateEntry('individuals','Content', [v1, v2, v3]);
% Print content of scenarios object
sd = f(sObj, 10);