Graph Theory - Merge two graph variables (with corresponding nodes / edges) of different dimension from Excel ?

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I have 2 Excel tables (describing two graph edges), created using the function writetable(G.Edges, myXLSXfile).
The differences between excel files (namely between the two graph variables) are the following:
  • one of them could have new columns than the other
  • one of them could contain new edges
It means both can also have common rows (=edges) and columns (=edges properties).
Now I want to merge these two tables / graphs in such a way to follow this rules for the resulting graph variable:
  • it must contain all columns
  • it must contain all edges / nodes
  • for common nodes / edges having different properties, just one of them (e.g. always the second input graph/table) has the priority on the other (namely must be choosen).
  • for all nodes / edges which didn't have new properties before merging, must be set a default value (e.g. 0)
How to get this result? Thanks in advance.

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