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how to make a line in a map using latitude and longitude?

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Hello everyone,
I am trying to make a line connecting all the points from the starting to the end point based on the latitude and the longitude during a cruise campaingn using the following code:
close all; clear all; clc;
coast = load('coast');
axesm('lambertstd','MapLatLimit',[30 75],'MapLonLimit',[120 220],'MLineLocation',15,'PLineLocation',10) axis off; framem on; gridm on; mlabel on; plabel on;
geoshow(, coast.long, 'DisplayType', 'polygon','FaceColor', [0.6 1.0 0.6]);
A = xlsread('Map data.xlsx');
lat = A(:,4);
long = A(:,5);
But the line is not creating. can anybody please help me to do that? Thank you very much in advance.
Additional information (to connect and make the line)
Latitude [degrees_north] Longitude [degrees_east] 37.4653 126.6025 37.4654 126.6018 37.4662 126.5967 46.4488 158.9518 46.4598 158.9663 46.4635 158.9711

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