how can i store data in zero matrix

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Suppose I have a 8*150 matrix contain zeros. And I have 2 vectors, each one contain 8 numbers. How can I insert each row in the matrix, a vector that is calculated from the tow vectors? What I mean is for example; Lets say I have vector a=[18116 24439 41953 2131 10783 11630 38957 16955]; And vector b=[18234 24564 42066 2229 10906 11732 39061 17068]; And I want to insert to row number 1 of the matrix 8*150(the zero matrix) the index a(1):b(1) And I want to insert to row number 2 of the matrix 8*150(the zero matrix) the index a(2):b(2) The problem is that the length of the vector of every row is different


Matt J
Matt J 2012-10-3
The fastest way would probably be as follows, though I doubt speed is critical for you if its only an 8-row matrix.
for i=1:length(a)

更多回答(1 个)

maor 2012-10-13
that work perfectly.thank you very much


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