what do FiniteDiff​erenceStep​Size,Diffm​inchange and Diffmaxchange do ?

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
In my optimization problem my obj function is
function OBJ = Obj(X)
OBJ = X(:,11);
and my NonLinCon function is
function [C, CEQ] = NonLinCon(X, NCHV, PCHV, IN_SPEC)
DOF.M(1).L = X(:,1);
DOF.M(2).L = X(:,2);
DOF.M(3).L = X(:,3);
DOF.M(4).L = X(:,4);
DOF.M(5).L = X(:,5);
DOF.M(1).RHO = X(:,6);
DOF.M(2).RHO = X(:,7);
DOF.M(3).RHO = X(:,8);
DOF.M(4).RHO = X(:,9);
DOF.M(5).RHO = X(:,10);
DOF.IB = X(:,11)*1e-3;
[~, OUT_SPEC] = aaSynFoldedPmosOL(NCHV,PCHV,DOF);
C(:,1) = IN_SPEC.UGF ./ double(OUT_SPEC.UGF) - 1;
C(:,2) = IN_SPEC.PM ./ double(OUT_SPEC.PM) - 1;
C(:,3) = log10(IN_SPEC.AVDC) ./ log10(double(OUT_SPEC.AVDC)) - 1;
C(:,4) = IN_SPEC.FO ./ double(OUT_SPEC.FO) - 1;
C(:,5) = IN_SPEC.FP1 ./ double(OUT_SPEC.FP1) - 1;
C(:,6) = IN_SPEC.VO_SWING ./ double(OUT_SPEC.VO_SWING) - 1;
CEQ =[]
where in_spec are given by user
when i try to run fmincon on my problem with a feasible starting point it give me a local minimum without using any options but when i use FiniteDifferenceStepSize set to 1e-3 or Diffminchange set to 1e-3 or Diffmaxchange set to 1 it gives me the same point every run and that point's is better than my local point and even better than the point found when i use genetic algorithm in vectorized mode so my question are
1- what do FiniteDifferenceStepSize, Diffminchange and Diffmaxchange do ?
2-what are other vectorized global solvers that do not use random generations of starting points ?

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