how to create a matrix (3*3) from 1 to 9 by using for loop

36 次查看(过去 30 天)
How to create a matrix (3*3) from 1 to 9 by using For loop like:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
for i=1:3 %row%
for j=1:3 %column%
a(i,j)= input('a=');
disp (a)
I wrote this code, but I don't want to input the digits from 1 to 9 by keyboard. I want the computer enter these digits automatically by using For loop


BN 2019-12-22
I think you don't need any for loop to achieve this goal. try this code below:
reshape( 1:9, 3, 3) .'
  8 个评论


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Muddasir Muddasir
for i=1:3 for j=1:3 a(i, j) =input('a=') : end end disp(a)


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