I am working with a Duffin oscillator:
z = State(1,1);
w = State(2,1);
F(1,1) = w;
F(2,1) = epsilon*cos(omega_rho*t)-k0*z-k1*z^3-f0*w;
I wanted to find the exsistance and stability of periodic solutions. For that I wanted to evaluate the system with ODE45 and create an event that stops the integration when a periodic/quasi-periodic solution is found, but the basic event locator seems like it cnnot do it, since it cannot evaluate previous states of the solution. I have also read about Delay Differential Equation solvers and event locators, but someone said that it did not work well with quasi-periodic solutions, which I need. Is there a way to do this? If it is done using DDEs, how exactly?