combining two neural networks (net1 is trained & net2 is untrained) in one bigger network

19 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have two shallow neural network models net1, net2.
I have a trained net1. Then I need to connect a net2 to a net1. Hence I treat the combined (net2+net1) as one large net and then train the big net . However, during the second training phase, we only need to update the weights corresponding to net2 (and keep net1 weights fixed). Is it possible in MATLAB? any suggested links or articles to perform this part.


Hiro Yoshino
Hiro Yoshino 2020-1-10

更多回答(1 个)

Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2020-1-12
1. Save the outputs of net1 in a file
2. Use the file to train net2
  2 个评论
Beatriz Martins
Beatriz Martins 2020-1-12
编辑:Beatriz Martins 2020-1-12
Greg Heath,
I am trying to save the output of a net1 and use it to train net2. However, during training of net1 the trainFasterRCNNObjectDetector function added new layers (initially I have 25 layers and the output of net1 has 35) and I get an invalid network. Do you know how can I solve this problem?
Abdelwahab Afifi
Abdelwahab Afifi 2020-6-20
编辑:Abdelwahab Afifi 2020-6-22
Greg Heath,
more clarification please. I wanna train the bigger networok which combined of (untrained net2 + trained net1)



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