Returning the "column" number of a Button Down function on an image (GUIDE)

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello. I have an image loaded onto an axes component in GUIDe and I want the mouse location over the squares to drive an xystage to a positon
All I need to return is which column is selected when the mouse if over a particular square: i.e just considering 1D (i.e. columns), if after pressing the mouse, the x coordinate is between 13 & 39, then report column1 (or just 1). If the x coordinate is between 88 and 114, then report back 3. In reality I have 12 columns so am looking a) for the best way to do this, and b) the best way to define the edges (the values of which I have)
This is my mouse click function
function mouse3Callback(src, eventData)
handles = guidata(src);
axesHandle=get(src,'Parent'); %Object handle is the image
x = round(xyz(1,1))
y = round(xyz(1,2))
that I assign to the axes holding the image (axes3) Button down fucntion:
set(handles.axes3, 'ButtonDownFcn', @mouse3Callback),
Thnaks for any help
  1 个评论
Jason 2020-1-15
i've come with this, maybe there is a better way:
LE=[15,62,109,157,204,251,298,345,391,438,484,531] %Left egde
RE=LE+32 %Right Edge
for i=1:12
if (x>LE(i)&&x<RE(i))


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