adding different number of columns to specific row

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have 2 differnt csv files, i want to append the columns from book8 to book 7 based on the name column that appears in the 2 files, the name in 7 are unique but in 8 there are duplicates, so the appending columns may differ from row to another ...
is there a way to add the corresponding columns to a specific row?
i tried to append the columns in differnt ways with no success...
for row=(2:r) %

回答(1 个)

Ridwan Alam
Ridwan Alam 2020-1-30
编辑:Ridwan Alam 2020-1-30
Try using the table join() method:
M_obs = readtable('book7.csv');
M_pri = readtable('book8.csv');
[~,M_pri_idx] = unique(M_pri(:,1));
M_pri_new = M_pri(M_pri_idx,:);
new_table = join(M_obs,M_pri_new,'Keys',[1,1]);
Hope this helps.
  3 个评论
Ridwan Alam
Ridwan Alam 2020-2-2
Sorry, but the question is a bit confusing.
You wrote: if book8.csv has two rows of the entry "zinc543", it will append these two rows as new columns for the entry "zinc543" in book7. Can you mention which row in book 7 and book 8 has this?
Are you trying to extend the table_book_8 with columns from table_book_7 wherever available? If yes, try this code:
zSize = [size(B,1), size(B,2) + size(A,2) - 1];
zType = ["string",repmat("doublenan",[1,zSize(2)-1])];
zNew = table('Size',zSize,'VariableTypes',zType);
zVar = {B.Properties.VariableNames{:},A.Properties.VariableNames{2:end}};
zNew.Properties.VariableNames = zVar;
for i = 1:height(zNew)
zAind = find(table2array(A(:,1))==table2array(zNew(i,1)));
if ~isempty(zAind)
zNew(i,1+width(B):end) = A(zAind,2:end);
% zNew contains all of B, and adds A to wherever available
Shayma 2020-2-6
sorry, I update the files, im trying to extend book7.csv with the columns from book8.csv
ZINC02619534 in row 3 at book7 will have the columns (2:end) from book8, from the rows 3,6,7
while ZINC02638599 for example will have the columns from book8 - row 13 only because it appears only once ..


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