How to make this simple script faster?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Each of the Sta{i}.test is a one-column data with unknown number of rows. As you know, to keep expanding Variable X is not the most efficient way of doing this.
Is there a way I can get my X values faster without writing a loop?
X = [];
for i = a:b
if isfield(Sta{i}, 'test')
X = [X; Sta{i}.test];
Many thanks!
  1 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2020-2-3
编辑:Image Analyst 2020-2-3
Are you saying that sometimes the structure inside the cell might not have a field called "test"? What if you just allocated X as, say, 10 million elements or way more than you ever expect to have, then crop to the proper length after the loop. See my Answer below (scroll down).



Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2020-2-3
编辑:Image Analyst 2020-2-3
Does this work:
X = zeros(10000000, 1);
a = 1;
b = length(Sta);
lastIndex = 0
for i = a:b
if isfield(Sta{i}, 'test')
t = Sta{i}.test;
lt = length(t);
X(lastIndex+1:lastIndex+lt) = t;
lastIndex = lastIndex + lt;
X = X(1:lastIndex);
What is the size of Sta? How many elements does it have?
  3 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2020-2-3
编辑:Image Analyst 2020-2-3
It might be. I experimented with doing things like (:) and {:} and putting stuff in brackets and using vertcat() but I just couldn't find the exact syntax that would do it. You'd have to experiment around some.
Can you store them in a more convenient way in the first place?
Leon 2020-2-3
Any recommendation on what's the best way to store them in order to access them in the most convenient way?
In a matrix named A like this:
Sta#, Var1, Var2
1 35 127
1 21 256
1 11 222
2 15 188
2 12 236
3 27 333
4 35 467
5 11 222
5 23 376
Then how do I quickly get all the rows with a Sta# between 2 and 4, for example?
Ind = A(:,1)>=2 & A(:,1)<=4;
B = A(Ind, :);
Is there a better setup? Many thanks!


更多回答(1 个)

David Hill
David Hill 2020-2-3
You could preallocate X with nan to the largest expected and then delete the excess nan's at the end.
X = nan(10000000,1);
for i = a:b
if isfield(Sta{i}, 'test')
X(count:temp-1) = Sta{i}.test;
  1 个评论
Leon 2020-2-3
Many thanks for the solution, David! So bad I can only accept one answer.



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