how to extract data from an text file?
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I have two files, one in excel and one in a text file, how would i obtain column data from the text file even though i did it from an excel file.
code is:
filename = 'mct.xlsx'
data = xlsread(filename, 'mct', 'A:D');
Phase1 = data(data(:4)==1,:);
how would i be able to extract this from a text file?
0 个评论
fred ssemwogerere
Hello, there are a number of ways to go about this. Please refer to the following links:
更多回答(3 个)
fred ssemwogerere
% what does the 'w' mean?
'w' gives write access permission to the file
% also, what does ''%4.4f\n'' mean?
This is a formatting operator that prints each input as a fixed point number having field width of 4, and the number of digits after the decimal point of 4, before proceeding to a new line ("\n").
8 个评论
Walter Roberson
Sometimes you can use textscan CommentStyle to ignore headers if they always have the same start and stop. Otherwise sometimes you end up looping textscan, especially if you want the blocks to be separated in output.
Another method that can be very useful is to fileread() the entire file as a character vector, and then use a combination of regexp and regexprep to extract parts of it, possibly then passing the resulting characters into textscan.
3 个评论
Walter Roberson
result = [];
while 1
tline = fgetl(fid);
if ~ischar(tline); break; end %end of file
if isempty(tline); continue; end %empty line
celldata = textscan(tline,'%f %f %f %f %f %f');
matdata = cell2mat(celldata);
% match fails for text lines, textscan returns empty cells
result = [result ; matdata];
What is your file format? It appears that you have text at the beginning of some of the lines, and you are doing this looping so that you can ignore those lines? There are usually easier ways to deal with such files.
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