Unable to use a value of type SeriesNetwork as an index

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi everyone,
I was working with my LSTM network (working perfectly) and suddenly I encountered this error (after working 100 times approx...):
running: Y_pred = predict(net,X_test{(idx)});
error: Unable to use a value of type SeriesNetwork as an index.
net is a SeriesNetwork (as it should be) and X_test has the correct shape.
I am extremely confused,
  1 个评论
Imola Fodor
Imola Fodor 2020-11-4
I have practically the same problem. I am passing net (alexnet) as an argument for the activations() function, and I get the error right away (not after working).


回答(1 个)

Madhav Thakker
Madhav Thakker 2021-4-12
Hi Jorge,
I am guessing you had a variable named SeriesNetwork in memory when trying to do the predict. Can you try clear out excess variables from memory using clear and try it again?
Hope this helps.


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