error during selecting dynamically image from folder

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Error using randi
First input must be a positive scalar integer value IMAX, or two integer values [IMIN IMAX] with IMIN less than or
equal to IMAX.
Error in tt (line 25)
thisfile = files(randi(num_files)).name;
clear all;
%% Training images
id_test = 0;
id_train = 0;
for folder_idx = 1 : 10 % no of classes 100
for i = 1 : 8 % no of images per class 8
%thisfile = fullfile('ROITrain', num2str(folder_idx), [num2str(i) '.bmp ']);
files = dir( fullfile('ROITrain', num2str(folder_idx), [num2str(i) '.bmp ']));
num_files = numel(files);
thisfile = files(randi(num_files)).name;
%image = imread(filename);
B = imread(thisfile );
X = double(B);
X = imresize(X,[300 250],'bilinear'); %300 250
id_train = id_train+1;
traindata = traindata';
% only four minutie is taken from one image
reduced_traindata = cellfun(@(M) M(1:min(end,4), :), traindata, 'uniform', 0);
  2 个评论
Stephen23 2020-2-9
编辑:Stephen23 2020-2-9
files is empty, so num_files is zero, which is not valid for randi.
But in any case it makes no sense to use dir with the actual name of a file:
dir( fullfile(..., [num2str(i) '.bmp ']));
It looks like the code mixes up the two main ways of processing multiple files:
Your code is very badly aligned. Badly aligned code is one way that beginners hide basic bugs in their code. I strongly recommend that you align your code consistently using the default MATLAB Editor settings. You can apply them to existing code by selecting all code text and pressing ctrl+i.
Balaji M. Sontakke
I want to randomaly select 8 images from specific folder how i can do that



Stephen23 2020-2-9
"I want to randomaly select 8 images from specific folder how i can do that"
Something like this:
P = 'path to the folder where the files are saved';
S = dir(fullfile(P,'*.bmp'));
N = numel(S);
X = randperm(N);
F = {S(X(1:8)).name} % cell array of 8 randomly selected filenames from that folder
  3 个评论
Stephen23 2020-2-9
编辑:Stephen23 2020-2-14
"no sir not cell array,"
Why not? Cell arrays are trivial to loop over.
"I need to pass one by one images to my ext_vein() function,"
I don't see why using a cell array to store filenames prevents you from doing that.
"repeat my question.."
This is not a "repeat" of your question. Take another look at your original "question": does it contain anything like the explanation you just gave now? (hint: no, it contains an error message, buggy code, and no other text whatsoever).
"I have 10 folders named 1,2,....10 each folder contains 12 images, just i want to randmoly select 8 images from 12 images and pass those images one by one to ext_vein function."
Finally, an actual explanation!
I am sure that you can adapt my intentionally simple answer to suit your needs, e.g.:
P = 'ROITrain'; % i.e. relative/absolute path to where the subfolders are.
for ii = 1:10
D = sprintf('%u',ii);
S = dir(fullfile(P,D,'*.bmp')); % get all filenames in subfolder
N = numel(S);
X = randperm(N);
F = {S(X(1:8)).name}; % randomly select 8 filenames.
for jj = 1:numel(F)
fn = fullfile(P,D,F{jj});
im = imread(fn);
... ext_vein(...)


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