Error during code generation for Autosar SWC

15 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello & Thank you,
I am trying to generate code for my SWC which is Autosar configured.
It is able to generate the code in my colleagues pc, but I don't know why I am getting this error (snapshot attached):
"The call to autosar_make_rtw_hook, during the after_tlc hook generated the following error:
Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
The build process will terminate as a result.
Caused by:
Dot indexing is not supported for vriables of this type. "
I am able to 'update diagram'(Ctrl + D) the simulink model after loading normal DD as well as Autosar DD.
I tried reinstalling MATLAB, but no change in error..
I am using version: MATLAB R2018b
Any suggestion is welcome.
  1 个评论
Mario Weyrich
Mario Weyrich 2020-12-1
I am facing the same problem with R2020a, generating code from a AS SWC. So, any answers from Mathworks here where the problem is based?
..more detailed error on my side:
Error in matlab.internal.project.util.runMATLABCodeInBase
Error in matlab.internal.project.util.runMATLABCodeInBase
Error in matlab.internal.project.util.runMATLABCodeInBase
Error in matlab.internal.project.util.runMATLABCodeInBase - Show complete stack trace
Caused by:
Error using
Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type. - Show complete stack trace


回答(1 个)

lihang sun
lihang sun 2022-7-20
I am facing the same problem with R2020a.Is there any solutions?


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