How can I work on a valuable name with a minus sign in it...?

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Could you please help me to change a valuable name with a minus sign in it?
the valuable name is something like
Thus, when I try to call the valuable in the command prompt,
matlab recognizes as the following
data.a - b (i.e., data.a minus b, instead of a single valuable.)


M 2020-2-20
From this documentation:
"valid variable name starts with a letter, followed by letters, digits, or underscores"
You cannot include the " - " symbol in a matlab variable name.
If you want to define a variable that corresponds to " a - b", you can call it "a_minus_b".
  3 个评论
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2020-2-20
As of release R2019b table and timetable arrays can contain variables with names that are not valid MATLAB identifiers, but you need to use a slightly different syntax to access those variables. See that Release Note entry for more information.
You cannot have plain MATLAB variables whose names are not valid MATLAB identifiers.


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