i want to plot some data by using Simulink Scope, here is my simplified Simulink model:
and there are my code in the MATLAB Function Block:
function pCO2_a = Oxy(Qg)
pCO2_a = zeros(41,1);
pCO2_a = testWQ();
what am i trying to call is another ode function:
function y = testWQ
Qg = 3;
tspan = [0 5];
y0 = 0;
[t, Y] = ode45(@f,tspan,y0);
y = Y(:,1);
function dydt = f(t,y)
dydt = Qg*t;
And then i ran my Simulink model, in the Scope will of course show many horizontal lines instead of one line with time. I know the reason is because pCO2_a = testWQ() will get double data, but is there any way i can still get the right diagram with this data in Scope?