The value returned from getNumInputsImpl method must be a constant value. But the Value is immutable
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i get the following error when generating code:
The value returned from getNumInputsImpl method must be a constant value.
Properties used in calculating this value must be Nontunable.
The error occurred for MATLAB System block 'SiL_LUT_1D/MATLAB System1'.
The method:
function num = getNumInputsImpl(obj)
num = obj.Approx.numInputs + 1; % input
The propertie numInputs of Approx(ValueClass):
properties (SetAccess = immutable)
numInputs = 0;
And obj.Approx is a nontunable Property of the System block. So for my understanding, this value can't change in anyway and should be interpreted as a constant value. Any suggestion on a fix or workaround?
回答(2 个)
Honglei Chen
You said numInputs is nontunable, did you try to use Nontunable in the property defintion? Like
properties (Nontunable)
numInputs = 0
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