Exporting model from workspace to Simulink

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have identified a model in command window. Now am having it in my workspace as sys variable and want to use it in Simulink. Is there any direct way to export it to Simulink and make connections.

回答(1 个)

Priyanshu Mishra
Priyanshu Mishra 2020-3-5
Hi Shafaq,
You can directly import variable from workspace using block from workspace. For more information on this you may refer to this link.
  1 个评论
Shafaq Gul
Shafaq Gul 2020-3-9
Dear Priyanshu,
I guess from workspace deals with variables that have output only. Is it possible to move a model like transfer function (allowing to have input and then give output accordingly) to Simulink.



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