I'm not sure how to train this?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Chris Basic
Chris Basic 2020-2-26
I have created "lgraph_1" (LayerGraph file) through the Deep Learning Network. I originally had numbers for 29 columns (set as "XTrain") and a classification for the 30th column (set as "YTrain") and I converted the XTrain into images and named that file "Image". I'm not sure how to use XTrain or Image to get a classification for YTrain. I initially used this and it said "not enough input arguments". Does anyone know if there is a way to train this?

回答(1 个)

Divya Gaddipati
Divya Gaddipati 2020-3-2
You need to provide both Xtrain and YTrain to the trainNetwork function.
net = trainNetwork(Xtrain, YTrain, lgraph_1, options);
Please refer to the following link for more information:
Hope this helps!
  1 个评论
Chris Basic
Chris Basic 2020-3-2
I did try this but it says I have too many input arguments. My XTrain is a table with 29 columns and both XTrain and YTrain have 16097 rows. Do I need to change the number of inputs in my deep learning network or do I need to change XTrain and YTrain to cells?



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