Polyfit with plot, semilogx, semilogy, and loglog scales.

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So I have vector x and vector y, and I need to determine which scale fits the data.
x = 2004:2015;
y = [9214, 9271, 9320, 10413, 10930, 11242, 10873, 11801, 13245, 14728, 15463, 16297];
So I decided to use polyfit and use all the plots and let MATLAB show me which one best fits.
p1 = polyfit(x_new,y,1);
m1 = p1(1);
b1 = p1(2);
plot(x, y, 'o', x, m1.*x+b1), xlabel('years'), ylabel('sales'), title('years vs sales')
p2 = polyfit(x_new,log(y),1);
m2 = p2(1);
b2 = 10^(p2(2));
semilogy(x, y, 'o', x, b2*10.^(m2.*x)), xlabel('years'), ylabel('sales'), title('years vs sales')
p3 = polyfit(log10(x),log10(y),1);
m3 = p3(1);
b3 = 10^(p3(2));
loglog(x, y, 'o', x, b3.*x.^m3), xlabel('years'), ylabel('sales'), title('years vs sales')
And this is the graph I am getting:
I think the first one is right, and I believe that the line shouldn't look like that in the second one, and the third is just not working for some reason!!!

回答(1 个)

Prabhan Purwar
Prabhan Purwar 2020-3-2
Try fitting a higher degree of a polynomial using polyfit function while fitting a curve to logarithmic data as it tends to be a curve rather than a straight line.
For more details refer to the following link
Hope it helps!!


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