Plotting a smooth curve from points

106 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi there, I' m trying the same thing with the attached data set. But ending up in a more curvy plot. I need a smooth plot similar, but better than the attached figure. I tried the polyval funtion as shown here, but thats creating a more curvy plot. any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks
  1 个评论
Rajendra Gupta
Rajendra Gupta 2021-11-13
Try replacing 'spline with other options, such as 'cubic', also called 'pchip'. It resolved my problem.


回答(1 个)

Marshall Dunlap
Marshall Dunlap 2020-3-4
With your values in MATLAB create a more well-defined vector of x values (xi). Use the interp1 function to implement a cubic spline interpolation. Then plot the orginial points and then the cubic spline interpolation.
x = [your values];
v = [your values];
xi = [x(1):0.0000001:x(end)];
hold on
  1 个评论
Rajendra Gupta
Rajendra Gupta 2021-11-12
This is the simplest smoothing code. Just two additional lines and you have a smooth plot. Good work.



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