I understand you have a GUI figure with plots in MATLAB for which you intend to attach hyperlinks to PDFs or other files available.
You can do so by adding "uibutton" in GUI figure, and then writing a MATLAB function for action when button is pressed. Inside the method call, you can open the PDF file link and this can serve as a hyperlink. You can also add multiple buttons of different shapes, sizes and forms and configure method calls for each of them
Here is an example
function buttonPlot
% Create a figure window
fig = uifigure;
% Create a push button
btn = uibutton(fig,'push',...
'Position',[420, 218, 100, 22],...
'ButtonPushedFcn', @(btn,event) plotButtonPushed(btn));
% Create the function for the ButtonPushedFcn callback, which opens
% "file101.pdf", a dummy pdf to be opened
function plotButtonPushed(btn)
disp("Opening relevant PDF file")
Hope this helps!