How to commit Simulink model file on git

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am working at a startup and we are using git as our version controlling tool. We work extensively on simulink and would like to commit simulink files.
I understand that simulink files are esentially zip files with model information stored inside .xml files.
I would like to know how Simulink project pushes these files once I make exception for .slx in .gitattributes. Does it convert the .slx file to xml and stores the diff or it simply uploads the entire file for each push.
My main concerns are:
1.) Simulink models should not get corrupted.
2.) We do not need to commit entire .slx file every time we make a change to save space in the repo.

回答(1 个)

Shreshth 2024-8-28
Hey Aditya,
Please refer to the below MathWorks documentation link for info about setting up GIT Source control for MATLAB.


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