I am trying to understand and re-implement an algorithm using someone else's code, which uses the old cwt function. Here is the portion of code in question:
fb = 13.5;
fc = 0.5;
scale = 3.7;
output = cwt(signal,scale,['cmor' num2str(fb) '-' num2str(fc)]);
The variable signal is time series data at 100Hz. The goal of this is to return the scale parameters of a bandpassed version of the signal at approximately 10-16Hz.
Here are my questions:
- Is this actually getting the proper bandpass range? Presumably this is using scale parameter. However, Fb and Fc seem mislabeled in this code and seem redudant to the scale parameter.
- How can I properly implement this using the new CWT functions? That is, given a fixed center frequency, bandwidth, and sampling frequency what is the best way to implement the appropriate single-wavelet transformation using a complex morlet wavelet using the new framework?