How to map a vector to a colourmap ?
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I am trying to map a vector containing energy of modes of a dynamic system to a vector containing colour values so that when i plot this I want the markers to have the colour corresponding to their energy levels. For example the highest energy value will correspond to a Solid black colour and the next one a little less black then the others have grey and the least energy ones have white colour (thus making them invisible in the plot).
Best Regards
2 个评论
Does regular plotting and applying a colourmap not give what you want?
A = magic(25);
figure; imagesc( A );
You can certainly do mapping onto a colourmap manually and produce a true RGB image if you wish, but it is obviously more effort and data cursor information would reflect that it is now RGB rather than just give you the raw value.
Alternatively you can manipulate your data in some way if a straight linear mapping onto the colourmap is not what you want. Or create a custom colourmap.
Hard to say without seeing an example though.
J. Alex Lee
A brute force way would be to interpolate...not sure if there's a better way
x = % ... data vector
indices = 0:255;
xref = linspace(min(x),max(x),length(indices));
indexed_x = interp1(xref,indices,'nearest');
% then you can map to whatever colormap you want, e.g.
graymap = gray(length(indices));
xcolors = graymap(indexed_x,:);
or something like that?
5 个评论
J. Alex Lee
编辑:J. Alex Lee
upon looking at docs of scatter(), i see that it is doing more or less exactly what you want, AND it can use the axes underlying colormap, to Adam's point ( you don't have to manually index). Take a look at the docs
colormap gray
J. Alex Lee
Just for completeness, Image Analyst's full example but with using scatter:
theta = linspace(0,(2*pi),30);
energy = linspace(0,1000,30);
grid on
axis square
colormap jet
% to do the black and white example:
% colormap gray
更多回答(1 个)
Image Analyst
Do you mean where the marker color is the color taken from the "energy" array, like this:
% Define our data.
theta = linspace(0,(2*pi),30);
energy = linspace(0,1000,30);
numPoints = length(x);
% Get a colormap, a unique color for every energy level
cmap = jet(numPoints); % Initialize jet colormap.
% Get energy in the range 1 to numPoints so we can use that to get a row from the colormap.
qEnergy = imquantize(energy, numPoints);
for k = 1 : numPoints
% Get the color for this energy level:
thisEnergy = qEnergy(k);
thisColor = cmap(thisEnergy);
fprintf('Plotting point #%d at (%.3f, %.3f) with color (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)\n',...
k, x(k), y(k), cmap(k, 1), cmap(k, 2), cmap(k, 3));
plot(x(k), y(k), '.', 'Color', cmap(k, :), 'MarkerSize', 40);
hold on;
grid on;
axis square;
fprintf('Done running %s.m ...\n', mfilename);

4 个评论
Image Analyst
Harish, you can see how I defined the colormap before the loop. You can make it be anything you want. You can also see how I said the 'MarkerSize' was 40 in the call to plot(). You can change that 40 to be whatever you want. It can even be a function of k, the loop iterator if you want.
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