Compare binary images: if a pixel is 1 in both images, set it to 1 in a third image, if not, set it to 0...

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello everyone,
hopefully someone can help me. I have performed an erosion-dilation operation on a binary image and now I want to compare the eroded-dilated image with the original image. If a pixel is 1 in both images, I want to write it as 1 into a new image, if it's 0 in both it's supposed to be 0, and if it's 1 in the one and 0 in the other picture it's supposed to be written as 0.
How do I program an algorithm able to do that?
Any help would be great!


Matt J
Matt J 2012-10-19
编辑:Matt J 2012-10-19
result = OriginalImage & OpenedImage
  6 个评论
Matt J
Matt J 2012-10-22
移动:DGM 2023-12-29
Yes, I think I understand the situation, but first, Accept-click my answer (since it is correct) and make a new post for your new question.


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