How to disable Subplot XtickLabel designed with App Designer
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I would like to disable the Xticklabel for the first subplot, and only the Xticklabel only visible on the second subplot.
However, upon plot, I notice the Xticklabel still visible despite having the following config.
fig.UIFigure.AutoResizeChildren = 'off';
ax1 = subplot(6,1,1,'Parent',fig.UIFigure,'XTickLabel',[]);
ax2 = subplot(6,1,2,'Parent',fig.UIFigure);
plot(ax1,[1 2 3 4],[100 90 40 70])
plot(ax2,[1 2 3 4],[11 91 4 7])
Appreciate if someone can shed some light about this problem
Matlab 2019a
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