Extract rows from table fullfilling the condition of interval

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Problem with measured data from service software in log. I am able to read these log files
data = readtable('wimodlr_rlt_2019-12-09_09-46-07_LoRa SF12_LoRa BW 1600')
and i need to extract the rows according to % of PER. But these numbers are in this format:
data =
169×7 table
No_ Port HostTime DnLnkTx DnLnkRx DnLnkPER PeerRSSI
___ ________ ___________________ _______ _______ ___________ ___________
136 {'COM4'} 2019-12-09 09:47:08 136 125 {'8.09 %' } {'-65 dBm'}
137 {'COM4'} 2019-12-09 09:47:09 137 125 {'8.76 %' } {'-65 dBm'}
138 {'COM4'} 2019-12-09 09:47:09 138 125 {'9.42 %' } {'-65 dBm'}
139 {'COM4'} 2019-12-09 09:47:09 139 125 {'10.07 %'} {'-65 dBm'}
140 {'COM4'} 2019-12-09 09:47:10 140 125 {'10.71 %'} {'-65 dBm'}
141 {'COM4'} 2019-12-09 09:47:10 141 125 {'11.35 %'} {'-65 dBm'}
I need to filter only rows which fullfill the requirement for example: DnLNkPER<10% and DnLNkPER>9% with conversion of strings to double.

回答(1 个)

Peng Li
Peng Li 2020-4-3
编辑:Peng Li 2020-4-3
You may want to convert that specific column to double format, and the conditional operation would become easier.
% a test
tbl.test = {'10%', '15.6%', '29.0%', '30%', '11%'}';
tbl = struct2table(tbl)
tbl =
5×1 table
{'10%' }
{'30%' }
{'11%' }
% convert column to double
tbl.test = cellfun(@(x) str2double(x(1:end-1)) ./ 100, tbl.test)
tbl =
5×1 table


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