Error with dee command

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Good afternoon,
I can't understand why Matlab shows me this message: "Unrecognized function or variable 'dee' ".
I've got Simulink and it works, but when I write dee in the command window in order to work with the differential equation editor Matlab shows me this error.
What can I do?
Thank you


Prabhan Purwar
Prabhan Purwar 2020-5-12
The command is not recognized by the system because this tool has been deprecated as of MATLAB R2020a. However, it is possible to use it by copying the necessary files (attached as a compressed folder) to the MATLAB path.
  8 个评论
Tobias Goebels
Tobias Goebels 2020-8-24
Sorry for asking again, no idea where exactly the files have to be copied or included?
Stefanie Schwarz
Stefanie Schwarz 2020-10-22
编辑:Stefanie Schwarz 2020-10-22
You can unzip the archive anywhere on your machine. Then, place the bottom folder 'dee' on the MATLAB path as shown below:
After that, run the command 'savepath' to save the setting permanently.


更多回答(1 个)

Stefanie Schwarz
Stefanie Schwarz 2020-10-22


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