Simple electrical scheme

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am new to mathlab/simulink. I try to simulate simple scheme with one resistor, ac voltage source , and electrical reference(ground). I added powergui component, solver function block(but i dont know how to attach this block and use it). Then a ran a simulation process and it terminated succesfully. But when i try to measure, for example voltage, i add voltage measurement component, and when i tried to route it to my scheme red line appeared. Why is this occur?
Thank you!


Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege 2011-4-11
It sounds as if you are using both Simscape and SimPowerSystems in the same model. Components in Simscape and SimPowerSystems cannot be connected together directly. From what you describe, you should need just Simscape blocks, which include a voltage measurement block. If you restrict yourself to using just Simscape (electrical) blocks, you'll be able to connect them together, no problem.

更多回答(1 个)

youcef benchelli
youcef benchelli 2020-3-12
comment schematise et simulee une ligne electrique par compesation


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