PLotting matlab noisy signal

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
T 2012-10-24
Suppose we have some noise signal that's a function of time.
Suppose at t = pi/2, 3pi/4, 5pi/4 I want to mark where exactly, at these time points, the signal is. How would you do this? Is there a toolbox I can use?
If not, what would I have to do to manually input the values of 'y' for each corresponding 't' ?


Wayne King
Wayne King 2012-10-24
Do you know the sampling interval for the time signal? Suppose the sampling interval is pi/100.
t = 0:pi/100:40;
x = cos(pi/10*t)+0.5*randn(size(t));
Then you know where pi/2, 3pi/4 etc are.
t(50) is pi/2 and x(50) is the signal value at t=pi/2
plot(t,x); hold on
plot(t(50),x(50),'r^','markerfacecolor',[0 0 0],'markersize',10);
plot(t(75),x(75),'r^','markerfacecolor',[0 0 0],'markersize',10);
and so on.
  1 个评论
T 2012-10-24
Suppose t was a vector and for each element is the one that I want to plot, so for instance, t(1), t(2),..., and so on. How would you do this?


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