Are Bus objects necessary after converting a subsystem to a referenced model?

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Hello everyone,
I converted a subsystem to referenced model (goal is to have a protected model with tunable parameters)
After the conversion, it is not running and the error
A bus data type should be specified for the block 'RW000_HL_refmodel/TM data1' since a bus is entering its input port. This message is related to a hidden Outport block.
appears. But when I do, the next error says that the variable does not exist.
Invalid setting in 'RW000_HL_refmodel/TM data1' for parameter 'OutDataTypeStr'.
Caused by:
The model did not not have any saved bus objects before. Could it be necessary to create every single bus used in the bus editor because it is a referenced model now? This does not make sense to me...
Any suggestion is highly appreciated!
(I use R2019a but the model was created in an older version, R2015b I think)

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