Simulink Debugging for MATLAB function block not working in R2020a
I could not reproduce the issue as I don't have the model you are using .But in cases like in accelerator mode of simulation and...
Simulink Debugging for MATLAB function block not working in R2020a
I could not reproduce the issue as I don't have the model you are using .But in cases like in accelerator mode of simulation and...
4 years 前 | 1
Error using Simulink.SimulationManager
The input ModelName to the Simulink.SimulationInput should be of type char and not string. model = 'trialprj';
Error using Simulink.SimulationManager
The input ModelName to the Simulink.SimulationInput should be of type char and not string. model = 'trialprj';
4 years 前 | 0
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How can I modify the datetime ticks used in heatmaps
The below code helps CustomXLabels = string(x_time); % Replace all but the tenth elements by spaces CustomXLabels(mod(minute(...
How can I modify the datetime ticks used in heatmaps
The below code helps CustomXLabels = string(x_time); % Replace all but the tenth elements by spaces CustomXLabels(mod(minute(...
4 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
How can I select interactively some images with specific features while displaying them in a sequence?
You could try using image batch processor app.
How can I select interactively some images with specific features while displaying them in a sequence?
You could try using image batch processor app.
4 years 前 | 0
Error using getappdata when Import excel with multiple sheets
The error occurs when the handle 'h' you are refering to is not a valid handle of a handle graphics object . handles.SheetsDat...
Error using getappdata when Import excel with multiple sheets
The error occurs when the handle 'h' you are refering to is not a valid handle of a handle graphics object . handles.SheetsDat...
4 years 前 | 0
how to fix:Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.
LSc(j-1) = LSc(j)-h6*(auxLSc1+2*(auxLSc2+auxLSc3)+auxLSc4); In this line of your code , auxLSc2,auxLSc3,auLSc4 are arrays of s...
how to fix:Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.
LSc(j-1) = LSc(j)-h6*(auxLSc1+2*(auxLSc2+auxLSc3)+auxLSc4); In this line of your code , auxLSc2,auxLSc3,auLSc4 are arrays of s...
4 years 前 | 0
How to solve for k in this model?
First solve the diffrerential equation and obtain function P as function of t and k using dsolve syms p(t) pm k lambda lambda...
How to solve for k in this model?
First solve the diffrerential equation and obtain function P as function of t and k using dsolve syms p(t) pm k lambda lambda...
4 years 前 | 0
connecting switches to transformer
3 - phase transformer is a block from the Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems library whereas switch is a block in the...
connecting switches to transformer
3 - phase transformer is a block from the Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems library whereas switch is a block in the...
4 years 前 | 1
| 已接受
How can I set pramaters of Simscape Solver Configuration block?
You can find the answer here
How can I set pramaters of Simscape Solver Configuration block?
You can find the answer here
4 years 前 | 1
| 已接受
Reverse 2D-lookup table: issues iterating through loops
In your code provided, size of array s is [1 301]. for j = 1:size(s)-1 % first element of the size array is considered I...
Reverse 2D-lookup table: issues iterating through loops
In your code provided, size of array s is [1 301]. for j = 1:size(s)-1 % first element of the size array is considered I...
4 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
Why doesn't num2fixpt function return my expected counterpart fixed point value?
num2fixpt function does not convert double/float to a fixed point notation, instead it converts value to a nearest value represe...
Why doesn't num2fixpt function return my expected counterpart fixed point value?
num2fixpt function does not convert double/float to a fixed point notation, instead it converts value to a nearest value represe...
4 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
Why the amplitude of the 90 shifted phase signal when use the analytic signal block is not equal to the original signal?
You can try variable phase shift block in simulink. https://www.mathworks.com/help/simrf/ug/variable-phase-shift.html
Why the amplitude of the 90 shifted phase signal when use the analytic signal block is not equal to the original signal?
You can try variable phase shift block in simulink. https://www.mathworks.com/help/simrf/ug/variable-phase-shift.html
4 years 前 | 0
Send Email using gmail failed
You also have to set the preferences through GMAIL to allow interaction with MATLAB. You can do it with the following link: htt...
Send Email using gmail failed
You also have to set the preferences through GMAIL to allow interaction with MATLAB. You can do it with the following link: htt...
5 years 前 | 0
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Simulink error :Invalid setting of fixed step size
The error occurs because you have set the solver to fixed-step and specified the step size to be 0.001,which serves as the funda...
Simulink error :Invalid setting of fixed step size
The error occurs because you have set the solver to fixed-step and specified the step size to be 0.001,which serves as the funda...
5 years 前 | 1
Zynq SDR Capture Length question!
You can just enable the property'EnableOversizeCapture' by setting it to true.In addition to the other arguments of capture func...
Zynq SDR Capture Length question!
You can just enable the property'EnableOversizeCapture' by setting it to true.In addition to the other arguments of capture func...
5 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
Substitute symbolic sub-expression in expression
Enclose the subexpresssion in braces as it contains more than one term. eq = Tnext - 2*Tn + Tprev == - (sigma*Tinf^4*h^2 + alph...
Substitute symbolic sub-expression in expression
Enclose the subexpresssion in braces as it contains more than one term. eq = Tnext - 2*Tn + Tprev == - (sigma*Tinf^4*h^2 + alph...
5 years 前 | 0
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Conditional Indexing Using Specific Numbers in A Column
load('MyData.mat'); a=find(MyData(:,11)==5001); b=find(MyData(:,11)==6001); matrixA=MyData(a(1):b(end),:);
Conditional Indexing Using Specific Numbers in A Column
load('MyData.mat'); a=find(MyData(:,11)==5001); b=find(MyData(:,11)==6001); matrixA=MyData(a(1):b(end),:);
5 years 前 | 0
Polyfit Vs Fit command: what are the differences?
Refer the below link to know the differences betwween fit and polyfit https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/81143-fit...
Polyfit Vs Fit command: what are the differences?
Refer the below link to know the differences betwween fit and polyfit https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/81143-fit...
5 years 前 | 2
| 已接受
Problem in converting datetime to POSIX and then the same POSIX back to datetime
While converting the posixtime to datetime specify the TimeZone using name-value pair,If not specified the posix times are consi...
Problem in converting datetime to POSIX and then the same POSIX back to datetime
While converting the posixtime to datetime specify the TimeZone using name-value pair,If not specified the posix times are consi...
5 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
I need some Help coding a Database for Angles!
I have tried to understand what you want to achieved and tried to code it in a optimized way. for index = 1: 3 I = input ('E...
I need some Help coding a Database for Angles!
I have tried to understand what you want to achieved and tried to code it in a optimized way. for index = 1: 3 I = input ('E...
5 years 前 | 0
How can I export data to excel from a GUI (created using GUIDE) using a push button
Create a cell array of all the variables and export the cell array to excel file which is created in the same directory using xl...
How can I export data to excel from a GUI (created using GUIDE) using a push button
Create a cell array of all the variables and export the cell array to excel file which is created in the same directory using xl...
5 years 前 | 0
Selection data from Discrete Root Mean Square simulink
As you specified that your Discrete RMS Value block generates output [0;1.0977] ,make sure you set the Input port size of the se...
Selection data from Discrete Root Mean Square simulink
As you specified that your Discrete RMS Value block generates output [0;1.0977] ,make sure you set the Input port size of the se...
5 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
how do i calculate the partial sum of a fourier series?
There is not direct built-in function yet to do that .You can do that by your own code.Try the script below with your function ...
how do i calculate the partial sum of a fourier series?
There is not direct built-in function yet to do that .You can do that by your own code.Try the script below with your function ...
5 years 前 | 0
How to change the color of uitable 'row-wise'?
You can make use of uistyle and addstyle functions Refer to the documnetation link below https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab...
How to change the color of uitable 'row-wise'?
You can make use of uistyle and addstyle functions Refer to the documnetation link below https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab...
5 years 前 | 0
Matlab error in simulink for numerator of transfer function 'Unable to use a value of type tf as an index'
Here variable s represents the transfer function and cannot be used as an index to access the elements of the arrays num_th_Case...
Matlab error in simulink for numerator of transfer function 'Unable to use a value of type tf as an index'
Here variable s represents the transfer function and cannot be used as an index to access the elements of the arrays num_th_Case...
5 years 前 | 0
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[ empty sym ] & "unable to find explicit solution" error when using dsolve for second order differential equation
syms y(t) [v] = odeToVectorField(diff(y,t,2)+0.15*diff(y,t)+y-y^3 == 0); M = matlabFunction(v,'vars', {'t','Y'}); t= [0 20];...
[ empty sym ] & "unable to find explicit solution" error when using dsolve for second order differential equation
syms y(t) [v] = odeToVectorField(diff(y,t,2)+0.15*diff(y,t)+y-y^3 == 0); M = matlabFunction(v,'vars', {'t','Y'}); t= [0 20];...
5 years 前 | 0
How can I make a symbolic function with vector input?
a=sym('a',[1 3]); f= @(a)(a(1)^2+a(2)+a(3)*a(1)); k=[1 1 1]; f(k)
How can I make a symbolic function with vector input?
a=sym('a',[1 3]); f= @(a)(a(1)^2+a(2)+a(3)*a(1)); k=[1 1 1]; f(k)
5 years 前 | 0
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Merging multiple .txt files into one NetCDF file
First,you can read the text files into tables of data using readtable. Merge the data of the 37 tables to a single table.Convert...
Merging multiple .txt files into one NetCDF file
First,you can read the text files into tables of data using readtable. Merge the data of the 37 tables to a single table.Convert...
5 years 前 | 0
| 已接受
Converting 2D plots into a 3D plot
As you have 3 vectors waterdepth,time and velocities, you can plot a 3D scatter plot by making use of scatter3 function. Refer ...
Converting 2D plots into a 3D plot
As you have 3 vectors waterdepth,time and velocities, you can plot a 3D scatter plot by making use of scatter3 function. Refer ...
5 years 前 | 0