Solving a third order non-linear ode using ode45

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
I need to solve
F''' + 2FF" + 1 - F'^2 = 0
with the boundary conditions
F(0)=F'(0)=0 and F'(infinity)=1.
I am new to using the ode solver in matlab and am not sure how to make it solve a non-linear third order equation. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

回答(4 个)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2012-10-28
The ode45 function is not applicable to two-point boundary value problems such as yours. You need to use bvp4c for example, as I did here:
dYdX = @(X,Y) [Y(2); Y(3); Y(2).^2-Y(1).*Y(2).*2.0-1.0]; % Differential equation
res = @(ya,yb) [ya(1); ya(2); yb(2)-1]; % Boundary conditions
SolYinit = bvpinit([0 1E+1], [1; 1; 1]);
Fsol = bvp4c(dYdX, res, SolYinit);
X = Fsol.x;
F = Fsol.y;
plot(X, F)
legend('F_1', 'F_2', 'F_3', 3)
You will not be able to set your endpoint to Inf or other number larger than about 10 (at least I could not) because that generates a singular Jacobian (or so MATLAB tells me). There are links to bvpinit and the other functions throughout and at the end of the bvp4c page. You might also want to experiment with bvp5c.
This was an interesting problem. I am glad you asked the question.
  6 个评论
David After
David After 2020-9-4
How can i solve this eqaution?
F''' (eta)+ F(eta)F"(eta) + F'^2(eta) = 0
with the boundary conditions
F(0)=F''(0)=0 and F'(infinity)=0 and eta is 0:0.1:6
i want to plot it and create a table for it (eta-f-f'-f'')
I am new to using the ode solver in matlab and am not sure how to make it solve a equation. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
thank you
my email :
David After
David After 2020-9-4
How can i solve this eqaution?
F''' (eta)+ F(eta)F"(eta) + F'^2(eta) = 0
with the boundary conditions
F(0)=F''(0)=0 and F'(infinity)=0 and eta is 0:0.1:6
i want to plot it and create a table for it (eta-f-f'-f'')
I am new to using the ode solver in matlab and am not sure how to make it solve a equation. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
thank you
my email :


R Vishnu
R Vishnu 2014-1-30
Hi I hope to correct a minor error. it is f(3) = -1 -2*y(1)*y(2) + y(2)*y(2); and not f(3) = -1 -2*y(1)*y(3) + y(2)*y(2); as per your equation F''' + 2FF' + 1 - (F'^2) = 0.
  1 个评论
Abhinav 2014-1-30
Hi Vishnu, My bad.. the second term was supposed to be 2FF". I have edited the original question too.
Thanks for pointing that out!


Hemanth kumar C
Hemanth kumar C 2017-11-8
I need to solve
(D^2-a^2)fi+a*[R*thetha+(Ra*Phi/Le)] = 0,
with the boundary conditions y=0;fi=Phi=thetha=0
I am new to using the ode solver in matlab and am not sure how to make it solve a non-linear second order three equation and i have written the program but i am not getting proper output . if you want to see my practise paper i will attach here . Any suggestion would be appreciated.
  3 个评论
Hemanth kumar C
Hemanth kumar C 2017-12-7
dc/dy ,dt/dy are the temperature and concentration gradients.i derived equations for that. i attached the program sir you can see the both equations
Hemanth kumar C
Hemanth kumar C 2017-12-7
i am solving this above attached paper .i derived everything only programming part i am not getting few things .please help me to solve this problem. you can see what is dc/dy and dt/dy in the paper.


David After
David After 2020-9-4
How can i solve this eqaution?
F''' (eta)+ F(eta)F"(eta) + F'^2(eta) = 0
with the boundary conditions
F(0)=F''(0)=0 and F'(infinity)=0 and eta is 0:0.1:6
i want to plot it and create a table for it (eta-f-f'-f'')
I am new to using the ode solver in matlab and am not sure how to make it solve a equation. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
thank you
my email :


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