Disable "suggestions" in Live Editor

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
When I edit variables using Live Editor, often it comes up wth "suggestions" with ? mark and information about the variable. How can I turn off such "suggestions"?


Jash Kadu
Jash Kadu 2022-7-13
Go to the 'Home' tab in the MATLAB toolstrip and in the 'Environment' section, click 'Preferences'.
Select 'MATLAB > Editor/Debugger > Automatic Completions' and in the 'Suggestions and completions' section, select the 'Show on tab' option.
Click 'Apply' and 'Ok' to save the option.
The MATLAB Editor will now show suggestions and completions when the tab key is pressed, rather than showing them automatically.
Hope this helps.

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Samatha Aleti
Samatha Aleti 2020-4-30
You can turn off the automatic suggestions in Live Editor by doing as follows:
Go to
Home >> Preferences (under Environment Section) >> MATLAB >> Keyboard >> Under Live Editor and App Designer >> select Show on Tab (Drop down)
Click Apply and ok.


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