Fitting data to custom integral function

18 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi everyone,
I struggle with fitting my measured data to an integral function. I already tried this with the curve fitting toolbox and "lsqnonlin" from the Optimization Toolbox.
Let's say I have the following data set:
x = [228.1194 179.7485 149.5914 121.6736 91.7255 60.6427 40.8913 23.9615 14.4217 11.9658 9.7682 7.4930 5.4940 3.8771 2.6096];
y = [0.7440 0.7349 0.7276 0.7049 0.6939 0.6607 0.6417 0.6069 0.5868 0.5818 0.5781 0.5748 0.5704 0.5606 0.5611];
I want to fit the the following equation to the data set:
y =
where a,b,c,d are the coeffients to fit. i think my problem is the integration part of the fitting function
I tried different approaches.
1) With Curve Fitting Toolbox
%% data set
x = [228.1194 179.7485 149.5914 121.6736 91.7255 60.6427 40.8913 23.9615 14.4217 11.9658 9.7682 7.4930 5.4940 3.8771 2.6096];
y = [0.7440 0.7349 0.7276 0.7049 0.6939 0.6607 0.6417 0.6069 0.5868 0.5818 0.5781 0.5748 0.5704 0.5606 0.5611];
fun= @(a,b,c,d,x) 1/2/x*(integral(b * (log(1 + a/b * (exp(x/c) - 1))) *exp(-x/d) * (1/(x/c)), 0, 2*x));
g = fittype('(1/2/x*integral(b * (log(1 + a/b * (exp(x/c) - 1))) *exp(-x/d) * (1/(x/c)), 0, 2*x))',...
'dependent', {'y'},'independent', {'x'}, 'coefficients', {'a','b','c','d'});
[fitobject,gof] = fit(x, y, g);
Thats the error message:
Error using fittype/testCustomModelEvaluation (line 12)
Expression (integral(b * (log(1 + a/b * (exp(x/c) - 1))) *exp(-x/d) * (1/(x/c)), 0, 2*x)) is not a valid MATLAB expression, has non-scalar
coefficients, or cannot be evaluated:
Error in fittype expression ==> (integral(b .* (log(1 + a./b .* (exp(x./c) - 1))) .*exp(-x./d) .* (1./(x./c)), 0, 2.*x))
??? First input argument must be a function handle.
2) "lsqnonlin"-approach
xdata = [228.1194 179.7485 149.5914 121.6736 91.7255 60.6427 40.8913 23.9615 14.4217 11.9658 9.7682 7.4930 5.4940 3.8771 2.6096];
ydata = [0.7440 0.7349 0.7276 0.7049 0.6939 0.6607 0.6417 0.6069 0.5868 0.5818 0.5781 0.5748 0.5704 0.5606 0.5611];
fun= @(x,xdata) 1/2/xdata*(integral(x(2) * (log(1 + x(1)/x(2) * (exp(xdata/x(3)) - 1))) *exp(-xdata/x(4)) * (1/(xdata/x(3))), 0, 2*xdata)) - ydata;
x0 = [0.65, 0.8, 8, 100000];
x = lsqnonlin(fun, x0);
Error message:
Not enough input arguments.
Error in try2>@(x,xdata)1/2/xdata*(integral(x(2)*(log(1+x(1)/x(2)*(exp(xdata/x(3))-1)))*exp(-xdata/x(4))*(1/(xdata/x(3))),0,2*xdata))-ydata
Error in lsqnonlin (line 196)
initVals.F = feval(funfcn{3},xCurrent,varargin{:});
Error in try2 (line 18)
x = lsqnonlin(fun, x0);
Caused by:
Failure in initial objective function evaluation. LSQNONLIN cannot continue.
Another way I tried first was this, where I solve the problem with a loop and simply guess the parameters:
xdata = [228.1194 179.7485 149.5914 121.6736 91.7255 60.6427 40.8913 23.9615 14.4217 11.9658 9.7682 7.4930 5.4940 3.8771 2.6096];
ydata = [0.7440 0.7349 0.7276 0.7049 0.6939 0.6607 0.6417 0.6069 0.5868 0.5818 0.5781 0.5748 0.5704 0.5606 0.5611];
hold on
x = [0.558, 0.78, 25, 100000];
fun = @(xdata) (x(2) .* (log(1 + x(1)./x(2) .* (exp(xdata./x(3)) - 1))) .* exp(-xdata./x(4)) .* (1./(xdata./x(3))));
for i=1:length(xdata)
y_fit(i) = integral(fun, 0, 2*xdata(i));
y_fit2(i) = 1/(2*xdata(i)) *y_fit(i);
I found some similar questions in the forum but I wasn't able to adapt these to my case. I'm very thankful for any tip / hint.
Thanks in advance


Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2020-4-27
Try the following code. Compare the equations with your code to see the differences. Also, the reason for using arrayfun() is a bit intricate, and I am feeling a bit lazy to write a long explanation :P, so I leave it to you to read the documentation and closely study this code to find out why everything is being done like this. If you have any confusion, then you can ask in the comment.
xdata = [228.1194 179.7485 149.5914 121.6736 91.7255 60.6427 40.8913 23.9615 14.4217 11.9658 9.7682 7.4930 5.4940 3.8771 2.6096];
ydata = [0.7440 0.7349 0.7276 0.7049 0.6939 0.6607 0.6417 0.6069 0.5868 0.5818 0.5781 0.5748 0.5704 0.5606 0.5611];
integral_term = @(a,b,c,d,X) integral(@(x) b.*(log(1 + a./b.*(exp(x./c)-1))).*exp(-x/d).*(1./(x/c)), 0, 2*X);
fun = @(x,xdata) 1/(2*xdata)*integral_term(x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4), xdata);
fun2 = @(x,Xdata) arrayfun(@(xdata) fun(x,xdata), Xdata);
x0 = [0.65, 0.8, 8, 100000];
x = lsqcurvefit(fun2, x0, xdata.', ydata.');
plot(xdata, ydata, '+', xdata, fun2(x, xdata), '-');
  4 个评论
Alex Sha
Alex Sha 2020-4-28
Yes, by using 1stOpt, initial guess is not needed, all were done by softweare itself.
Van Trung Tin HUYNH
Thank you for your suggestion. This code works for my problem with Gaussian cumulative distribution function.


更多回答(1 个)

Carlo Vinchi
Carlo Vinchi 2020-5-2
编辑:Carlo Vinchi 2020-5-2
Hi Ameer,
thank you very much for your answer! It work's without problems. The arrayfunction was the part I missed.
Like Alex already identified, the fit quality really depends on the starting parameters.
Nevertheless really helpful code. In just 5 lines of code.
Thanks to both of you ,
  2 个评论
Chandra Mouli
Chandra Mouli 2021-4-30
Hi Ameer bro, i am really in chaos in fitting a customized integral based equation.
The main aim is to find the best values of the unknown coefficients in the equation by using the given data and the equation.
In the above equation we have T vs M(T) data set, we should find the best value for Tc and other remaining coefficients by fitting the above equation.
Can u please help me solve this ameer bro ?



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