How to combine different fitgeotrans methods

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi everyone!
I would like to combine two or three different Fit geometric transformation methods. Currently I only use fitgeotrans with the affine transformation type selected. The alignment of my two images is not good enough, since this are the images of two different(but quite similar) objects. I would like to transform the shape of one image to as close as possible to the other. I was thinking of adding another transformation (does anyone have any other suggestions ?).
I was thinking of adding another fitgeotrans with different transformation type selected. I would like to see where my moving points were moved after imwarp, since I would like to avoid selecting the points with cpselect on transformed image.
If there is another simpler solution I would be happy if you share it with me.
tform = fitgeotrans(selectedMovingPoints,selectedFixedPoints,'affine'); %probaj več različnih
Test3registered = imwarp(Test3,tform,'OutputView',imref2d(size(Test1)));

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