Hi, I have this table created in AppDesigner:
app.UITable = uitable(app.GridLayout4);
app.UITable.ColumnName = {'Date'; 'Front Car'; 'Back Car'; 'Front Truck'; 'Back Truck'; 'Front Motorbike'; 'Back Motorbike'; 'Front Bus'; 'Back Bus'};
app.UITable.RowName = {};
app.UITable.Layout.Row = 1;
app.UITable.Layout.Column = 2;
Then when user press a button, load data in the table:
app.UITable.ColumnName = {"Date"};
for i=1:length(fields)
app.UITable.ColumnName{end+1} = channelInfo.FieldDescriptions{fields(i)};
r = horzcat(string(timestamps), string(data));
total = ["TOTAL", string(sum(data))];
r = vertcat(r,total);
Table properties change, but are not visible in view. The same thing happens to me with a graph, it loads the data, but it is not seen. What can I do?